Project Examples

Below are some examples of past and present iniLabs collaborations. Through collaborating with iniLabs, project partners gain access to latest versions of prototype image sensors which are not available for general sale, as well as extensive individual support.


IBM_SyNAPSE_20140807_013We joined with IBM and Cornell University for the third phase of DARPA’s SyNAPSE program to produce a neuromorphic computer architecture, dubbed TrueNorth. The architecture is event-based and uses asynchronous transmission. The Dynamic Vision Sensor is a natural choice as an input to this system, and we re-engineered our sensor to communicate natively with TrueNorth, with the aim of creating extremely low-power end-to-end vision systems. Related press article.

Image of True North board from Dharmendra Modha’s blog; creative commons.

DARPA Fast Light Autonomous Quadcopter Program

We are providing our high-speed, low-bandwidth Dynamic Vision Sensor to the DARPA Fast Light Autonomous program. This project targets the development of technologies to allow drones to navigate autonomously in cluttered urban environments, without the use of external references such as GPS.


switchBoard is an Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme under the Marie Curie Actions. The switchBoard consortium brings together eleven beneficiaries from eight different countries, combining the expertise of seven academic partners with excellent research and teaching records, one non-profit research organisation, and three fully integrated private sector partners. This European Training Network (ETN) is supported by six Partner Organisations as well as a management team experienced in multi-site training activities and counselled by a scientifically accomplished advisory board.